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How many of us start making excuses when we find ourselves either under performing, not wanting to train, work, study or do anything? (Be sure to watch the Nike Add at the top of the full story) It’s a natural course to take as we think it provides allowance for our attitude or performance. Also, we feel it gives meaning and a reason for our situation and gives us an “out”. This however is a false notion that only leads us on a continuum of skill digression and apathy.

The correct path is that of personal accountability and responsibility. We have to “own” our actions and choices and stop making excuses. This is not easy to do and yet if we want to achieve things we’ve never had before we must do things we’ve never done. That means taking a good hard look inside at who we are and what we want. We have to “own it” then learn from it then change.

As we take responsibility and be honest about who we are, where we are and who & where we want to be we can then begin the journey to achieve it. Go back and re-watch the Nike add and see how you feel about excuses after. I know it motivated me to be and do better and stop making excuses and start doing.


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